Welcome to 》TRINITY ~ DIVINE FAMILY 《 , an unique webinar dedicated to our next Conciouness level of the New Human Embodiment.
What does TRINITY represents ? Why is it important to understand these qualities & what do they serve for ?
The New Earth is rising within us and with it a vaster Consciousness with new understanding. Trinity is a 》 Collaboration 《 of these qualities within to be able to bring Creation into Form. We will dive deep into the Rememberance of the 》 DIVINE FAMILY 《 within, what each of these qualities represent and how they collaborate. 》An important Attunment for the upcoming time & higher Self Realisation 《. In this webinar we will as well offer an Activated Light ~ Language Transmission & which Gaby will channel Higher Divine Forces supporting & preparing the bodies for this energetic Conciousness Upgrade together Paul Dobree-Carey providing knowledge and essential ascension information.
We invite you to receive this information & experience in a peaceful, comfortable space of your own choosing.
SUNDAY / 5th FEBRUARY 2022 / 7PM European / 6 p.m. UK
The energetic EXCHANGE for this powerful webinar : 35 € / 38 $ / £ 31 PAYPAL : https://paypal.me/SELFFLOW
WELCOME warmly to this powerful Light ~ Anchoring Transmission, as a preparation into the Lion's Gate portal on the 8th August.
A channeled Guided Light ~ Language Transmission for the group will prepare our bodies for the incoming codes of expansion. Together with Paul Dobree-Carey, we will also share information & insights of the pivotal times we are experiencing
We are looking forward to hold the Sacred Space for this powerful multidimensional work at the peak energies of the Lion's gate. Warmly welcomed to join.
To expand the understanding of the first language of Oneness which lives within the heart of everyone, connecting us with the Voice of the Soul and the Divine Power of the I AM Presence. Used for many thousands of years as a communication tool, a healing tool and so much more, crossing multiple veils of dimension. We will explain how it provides a higher alignment to the Core Self & a deep support for the rapid rising energy shifts we are all embodying at this time.
Many who hear Light Language for the first time, trigger a resonance which can result in spontaneous Light Language developing in their own speech.
This two hour webinar will offer as well a powerful Light~language Transmission channelled through Gaby NaRA, to anchor Higher Self codes to open & activate the seed of your unique Soul Light~ language . If you feel ready to join us & to shift into a deeper and wider space of Self and Light Language, you are welcome to our highly energetic two hours of learning and understanding.
Warmly welcomed to our very unique webinar of the Sacred Naga Teachings 》 Sacred Fire 《
A 2 hour Presentation Journey of a deep dive into the depth of this powerful energetic earth force & it's true potential ....the Sacred Fire ~ so called KUNDALINI.
A powerful divine Conciousness,...ready to be understood, become aware of...and be embraced. It's an opening of the pathway of our Ascension .
The webinar will include a followed channeled Light • Language Activation , where the guardians of this Sacred wisdom ...the Naga...going to assist the opening of it's pathway ...in the Soul Alignment of the participant
Honoured to open & hold the space for it ...together with Paul Dobree-Carey
I have been guided to bring through this important profound clearing work of the 》Amazonian timeline《.
It represents another layer of a Collective memory imprint , which kept our heart limited towards feeling Love, receiving Love , sharing Love.
A timeline which filled the hearts with hate & anger .
In this times of deep consciousness shifts, it is calling for a profound release of this low vibrational informatios ,which blocks us ( even unknown) from Higher Love .
As the Divine Feminine is rising ,she will uncover as well her shadow sides ,ready to be transmuted , to anchor her true pure essence,potential & gifts into our vessels, hearts.
If you feel the call to bring more space , more freedom to your heart & for the Collective field, be welcomed to this powerful transformative inner work in our sacred space .
ℕ𝔼𝕎 𝔼𝔸ℝ𝕋ℍ ℍ𝕌𝕄𝔸ℕ - Webinar & Transmission
So much Gratitude for this truely wonder~ful 》 New Earth Human 《 webinar & Light ~ Transmission
We received incredibly powerful downloads and a deep Light ~ code Transmission as an upgrade supporting the Expansion of all our body systems. The Cosmic family brought in huge assistance by the Cosmic Mother, Prime Creator, Gaia , RA, Naga, Cosmic Serpent, Dragons,Ashtar & so many of our Galactic family.
Deepest Appreciation for All received ...beyond any measurement .
Thank you for All who contributed with their Presence ...for Self-mastery.....and the Collective field , by anchoring these high frequency codes - May it serve you well.
A wonderful closure of 2022 .....with this profound multidimensional quantum work. Open to receive 2023.
Loving Blessings <3 Gaby
HATHORS - Access Higher Vibration
The more we are aware of how to work with vibration, the easier we can operate with the energy intensity of the upcoming times.
I am delighted to offer, together with Paul Dobree-Carey, this very unique two hour online webinar detailing how to Access Higher Vibration.
A sharing of information about the importance of remembering the essential wisdom / knowledge of vibration.
All is Frequency ~ All is Sound
Improving Awareness of this wisdom & by different tools, we can more easily flow through the changes of existence to gain a profound knowledge to create & shape the fabric of Reality.
This can be achieved by raising our frequency to a higher state of Existence & access a wider spectrum of Consciousness possibilities .
Bringing back the Remembrance of working consciously with the fabric of Reality, with it's Vibrational frequency space.
For this unique webinar, the divine Consciousness of a collective Group known as The Hathors have offered their support. They are Masters of Sound & have worked closely through Sirius and Venus with the Earth for Millennia.
In an Activated Light ~ Language Transmission, Gaby will channel THE HATHORS / Higher Divine Forces supporting & preparing the bodies for this energetic Consciousness Upgrade.
We invite you to receive this information & experience in a peaceful, comfortable space of your own choosing.
Please consider hydrating your body adequately before & after the Activation.